"Sandstones grain size, sorting, and mineralogy for reservoir quality description: A study case in the intra Late Miocene reservoir in the Anamta Field, Kutei Basin, Indonesia"
By Mr. Kuntadi Nugrahanto

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1 Comment from Ms. Rohazaini Binti Muhammad Jamil Comments from jury xxxx: - To arrange and standardize the writing length for material, methods and discussion. Reader find it scattered. -To increase rock sample photos - Very good details and information - Recommeded for the best award
Answer from presenter Dear Dr. Rohazaini Binti Muhammad Jamil, I will accommodate your suggestions in arranging and standardizing the writing length on the sub chapters material, methods and discussion. In order to add the rock sample photos, I have to replace some less prioritized graphs so the total page of the full manuscript so it would not exceed 8 pages, as guided by the committee. Your inputs, comments, and recommendations are very much appreciated, thank you.